
Version 0.12.10


  1. Algorithm

    Generate algorithmic circuits from data structures.

  2. Approx

    Numerical tricks to compute approximations of mathematical functions efficiently, with some loss of precision.

  3. Complex

    Defines complex-number type and arithmetic.

  4. Control

    Tools for control signals. Edge detectors, signal smoothers and hold circuits.

  5. Envelope

    Make musical control envelopes out of trigger and gate signals.

  6. Filter

    Audio filters to shape the frequency response

  7. Function

    Utilities to compose functions and adjust their behavior

  8. Gen

    Elementary signal generator system

  9. Math

    Mathematical functions, for hyperbolic transcendentals and polynomials.

Global namespace

Audio-Cycle(init func)

Route the output of 'func' back to its argument through a unit delay. The feedback is upsampled to audio rate. The unit delay is initialized to 'init'


Compute the average of `numbers...`


Composes functions in a nil-terminated 'fn-list' into a chain, which passes the initial argument through the entire chain.

Control-Cycle(init func)

Route the output of 'func' back to its argument through a unit delay. The feedback is upsampled to control rate. The unit delay is initialized to 'init'


Retrieve the sampling interval of 'sig' in seconds


Composes a function that passes its argument to all functions in the nil-terminated 'fn-list', returning the results in a list.

Nth(index set...)

Takes the 'index'th element of 'set'.

Pair(fst rst)

Incorporate 'fst' and 'rst' as the first and second halves of a pair.


Compute the product of `numbers...`.


Retrieve the sampling rate of 'sig' in Herz


Destructure 'pair' and return the second half.

Sequence(head tail...)

construct a sequence with 'head' followed by the data in 'tail...'


Compute the sum of `numbers...`.


Generate algorithmic circuits from data structures.

Accumulate(func:Function! set...)

Produces a list where each element is produced by applying 'func' to the previously produced element and an element from 'set'.

Choose(truth when-true when-false)

Choose either 'when-true' or 'when-false' based on 'truth'. The branches should have equal type.

Concat(as bs)

Prepends the list 'as' to the list 'bs'


Makes a list of invariant constants from #1 to n

Count(n:Constant! start)

Makes a list of 'n' elements, counting up from 'start'

Count(n:Constant! start step)

Makes a list of 'n' elements, counting up from 'start' in 'step's.

Every(predicate:Function! set...)

#true if all elements in 'set' are true according to 'predicate'.

Expand(count:Constant! iterator seed)

Produces a list of 'count' elements, starting with 'seed' and generating the following elements by applying 'iterator' to the previous one.

Filter(predicate:Function! set)

Evaluates 'predicate' for each element in 'set', removing those elements for which nil is returned.


Returns the index to the element in `set...` that has the greatest value. Returns the pair `(index value)`.

Find-Max-With(pred:Function! set...)

Returns the index to the element in `set...` that is the greatest according to a binary `pred`icate.


Returns the index to the element in `set...` that has the least value. Returns the pair `(index min-value)`.


Returns the first element in 'x' regardless of its algebraic structure.


Flatten any nested data structures, resulting in a flat list.

Fold(func:Function! set...)

Folds 'set' by applying 'func' to the first element of 'set' and a recursive fold of the rest of 'set'.

Iterate(n:Constant! func:Function! x)

Applies a pipeline of 'n' 'func's to 'x'.

Map(func:Function! set...)

Applies 'func' to each element in 'set', collecting the results in a new structurally similar set.

Multi-Map(func:Function! sets...)

Applies a polyadic 'func' to a tuple of corresponding elements in all of the 'sets'. The resulting set length corresponds to the smallest input set.

Partition(N:Constant! set...)

Partition `set...` into tuples with `N` elements each.

Reduce(func:Function! set...)

Applies a binary 'func' to combine the first two elements of a list as long as the list is more than one element long.

Repeat(n:Constant! x)

Makes a list of 'n' elements that have the value 'x'.

Skip(N:Constant! set...)

Remove `N` items from the beginning of `set...`

Some(predicate:Function! set...)

#true if some element in 'set' is true according to 'predicate'.


Splits the list `xs...` in half

Take(N:Constant! set...)

Take the first `N` items from the beginning of `set...`.

Take-Last(N:Constant! xs)

Take the last `N` items from the beginning of `set...`.


Produces a pair of lists, by extracting the 'First' and 'Rest' of each element in 'set...'.

Zip(as bs)

Produces a list of pairs, with respective elements from 'as' and 'bs'.

Zip-With(func:Function! as bs)

Applies a binary 'func' to elements pulled from 'as' and 'bs', collecting the results.

Zip3-With(func:Function! as bs cs)

Applies a ternary 'func' to elements pulled from 'as', 'bs' and 'cs', collecting the results.


Numerical tricks to compute approximations of mathematical functions efficiently, with some loss of precision.

Cosine-Shape(x order)

Provides a polynomial cosine shape around 0 with a half-period within the range [-0.5, 0.5], diverging rapidly outside those bounds. The precision is decided by `order`, an invariant constant.


Approximate the hyperbolic cosine


Approximate the exponential function using the `Pow2` approximation


Approximate natural logarithm


Approximate base-2 logarithm

Fast:Pow(x p)

Approximate `x^p` with the `Pow2` and `Log2` approximations.


Approximate power-of-two, as in `2^x`


Approximate the sigmoid saturation function


Approximate the hyperbolic sine


Approximate the hyperbolic tangent


Approximate cosine in the range [-Pi, Pi]


Approximate the exponential function using the `Pow2` approximation


Approximate natural logarithm of `x`


Approximate base-2 logarithm of `x`

Faster:Pow(x p)

Approximate power function, `x^p`, by using the approximations `Pow2` and `Log2` to compute `Pow2(p * Log2(x))`


Approximate power-of-two, as in `2^x`


Approximate the sigmoid saturation function


Approximate sine in the range [-Pi,Pi]


Approximate tanget in the range [-Pi/2, Pi/2]


Approximate the hyperbolic tangent


Fast hyperbolic tangent approximation; useful for soft saturation. From



Load a sound file at 'path', returning a tuple of (sample-rate frames function), where function samples the audio file at integer positions.


Load a sound file at 'path', returning a tuple of (sample-rate function), where function samples the audio file at integer positions. The file is exposed as an infinite cyclic loop.


Upsample `sig` to the audio rate.



Construct a bitonic sorting network whose output is the `set...` ordered in ascending natural order

Sort-With(pred set...)

Construct a bitonic sorting network whose output is the `set...` ordered according to `pred`icate. For example, ascending order is produced by `(<)` and descending by `(>)`.


Defines complex-number type and arithmetic.


Computes the absolute value of complex 'c'.


Computes the square of the absolute value of complex 'c'.

Add(a:Complex! b:Complex!)

Adds two complex numbers.


Constructs a complex conjugate of 'c'.

Cons(real:Real! img:Real!)

Constructs a Complex number from 'real' and 'img'inary parts.

Cons-Maybe(real img)

Constructs a Complex number from 'real' and 'img', provided that they are real numbers.

Div(z1:Complex! z2:Complex!)

Divides complex 'z1' by complex 'z2'.

Equal(z1:Complex! z2:Complex!)

Compares the complex numbers 'z1' and 'z2' for equality.

Mul(a:Complex! b:Complex!)

Multiplies two complex numbers.


Negates a complex number 'z'.

Polar(angle:Real! radius:Real!)

Constructs a complex number from a polar representation: 'angle' in radians and 'radius'.


Retrieve Real and/or Imaginary part of a Complex number 'c'.

Sub(a:Complex! b:Complex!)

Substracts complex 'b' from 'a'.


Constructs a unitary complex number at 'angle' in radians.



Matches when 'a' is an atom, a value that can not be further destructured.

Condition!(v pred)

Tests 'v'alue using 'pred'icate. If pred(v) is True, returns 'v', otherwise do not match.


Matches when 'a' is an invariant constant.


Matches when 'dp' is a double precision floating point number


Matches when 'fn' is callable


Matches when 'i' is a scalar integer


Matches when 'n' is nil


Matches when 'r' is a scalar real number


Matches when 's' is a scalar numeric value.

Seq-Length!(s n)

Matches when 's' is a sequence of at least 'n' elements


Matches when 'p' can be destructured.


Matches when 'sp' is a single precision floating point number


Matches when 'n' is true


Satisfy constraint when 'v' is a vector


Tools for control signals. Edge detectors, signal smoothers and hold circuits.


True when `sig` contains an upward edge


True when the value of `sig` changes


True when `sig` contains a downward edge

Sample-and-Hold(sig sample?)

When `sample?` is not true, freeze the value of `sig`nal.


Resample `sig` to control rate (1/64 audio)


Resample `sig` to coarse control rate (1/512 audio)


Resample `sig` to fine control rate (1/8 audio)

Smooth(sig rate)

Resamples 'sig'nal to control rate and applies a lowpass filter to reduce variations faster than 'rate' in Hertz.

Smooth-Audio(sig rate)

Resamples 'sig'nal to audio rate and applies a lowpass filter to reduce variations faster than 'rate' in Hertz.

Smooth-Faster(sig rate)

Resamples 'sig'nal to a finer control rate and applies a lowpass filter to reduce variations faster than 'rate' in Hertz.

Smooth-Slower(sig rate)

Resamples 'sig'nal to a coarse control rate and applies a lowpass filter to reduce variations faster than 'rate' in Hertz.


Allpass-Comb(sig num-samples feedback)

Constructs a series combination of a feedforward and feedback comb filter sharing a delay line to create an allpass filter structure. The echo density is specified by `num-samples` and decay rate by `feedback`.

Comb(sig num-samples feedback)

Delays 'sig'nal by 'num-samples' ticks of its clock. 'num-samples' must be an invariant constant, such as #10. The delayed output is added back to the input signal, multiplied by 'feedback'

Cons(sig max-delay)

Constructs a dynamic delay line in the form of a function that can be evaluated to retrieve a delayed 'sig'nal. Delay line memory is allocated according to 'max-delay', which must be an invariant constant, such as #100, which corresponds to 100 ticks of the 'sig'nal clock. 'Eval'uate the (closure) output of this function with a parameter specifying the desired delay up to 'max-delay' frames of 'sig'nal. The output can be enhanced by wrapping it in interpolation, or altering the time base, such as 'Compose( Function:Wrap-Hermite(delay-fn) (* sample-rate))' which would result in a 3rd order interpolated delay with the parameter in seconds.

Dynamic-Delay(sig delay-time buffer-size)

Delays 'sig'nal by 'delay-time' seconds, which can vary up to 'buffer-size' ticks of 'sig'nal clock. The delayed signal supports fractional delays with 3rd degree polynomial interpolation, making this delay suitable for modulating 'delay-time'.

Dynamic-Delay(sig delay-time buffer-size feedback-fn)

Delays 'sig'nal by 'delay-time' seconds, which can vary up to 'buffer-size' ticks of 'sig'nal clock. The delayed signal supports fractional delays with 3rd degree polynomial interpolation, making this delay suitable for modulating 'delay-time'. Delayed output is added to the input signal processed via the 'feedback-fn', e.g. a damping filter or a feedback coefficient such as '(* 0.5)'.

Sample-Delay(sig num-samples)

Delays 'sig'nal for 'num-samples' ticks of its clock. 'num-samples' must be an invariant constant, such as #100.

Sample-Delay(sig num-samples max-delay)

Delays 'sig'nal for 'num-samples' ticks of its clock. 'num-samples' is dynamic and can vary up to 'max-delay', which must be an invariant constant..

Static-Delay(sig delay-time buffer-size)

Delays 'sig'nal by 'delay-time' seconds, which can vary up to 'buffer-size' ticks of 'sig'nal clock. The delayed signal is not interpolated, so this delay is best used with static 'delay-time'.

Static-Delay(sig delay-time buffer-size feedback-fn)

Delays 'sig'nal by 'delay-time' seconds, which can vary up to 'buffer-size' ticks of 'sig'nal clock. The delayed signal is not interpolated, so this delay is best used with static 'delay-time'. Delayed output is processed via the 'feedback-fn', e.g. a damping filter or a feedback coefficient such as '(* 0.5)' and added back to the input signal.


Make musical control envelopes out of trigger and gate signals.

ADSR(gate attack decay sustain release)

Generates a linear attack-decay-sustain-release envelope given a `gate` signal. The envelope proceeds towards the sustain phase while the gate is up. When the gate is down, the ADS-phase ends and the signal tends towards `0` in `release` seconds. Upward edges in `gate` reset the envelope to the beginning of the attack phase.

AR(gate attack release)

Generates a linear attack-release envelope given a 'gate' signal. The upward edge in 'gate' becomes a ramp of 'attack' seconds, and the downard edge is a ramp of 'release' seconds.

BPF(gate segments...)

Breakpoint function envelope with linear `segments...` given as a list of `(x y)` where `x` is an interval in seconds relative to the start of the envelope. The envelope ticks at either the control rate or the signal rate of `gate`, whichever is higher. OUTPUT: (x y) interpolated coordinates along the bpf

Linear(gate segments...)

Envelope with linear `segments...`, given as a list of pairs in the format `(value seconds)`. The generator will produce linear segments sequentially towards the next `value` with the duration in `seconds`. In case the gate signal does not have a regular clock, it is upsampled to the control rate.

Release(gate duration)

Slows down the release phase of the `gate` signal to ramp down over `duration` seconds. In case the gate signal does not have a regular clock, it is upsampled to the control rate.

Slew(sig rate+ rate-)

Limits the slew of `sig`nal to at most `slew+` and at least `slew-` for each clock period of `sig`nal.


Audio filters to shape the frequency response

Allpass(sig coef)

A second-order allpass filter

Biquad(sig a0 a1 a2 b1 b2)

Two-pole, two-zero filter with forward coefficients 'a0' 'a1' and 'a1', and feedback coefficients 'b1' and 'b2'. The output comes from the difference equation y[t] = a0 x[t] + a1 x[t-1] + a2 x[t-2] - b1 y[t-1] - b2 y[t-2]

Convolve(sig coefs)

Convolves 'sig'nal with a FIR filter consisting of coefficients in 'coefs'. The length of the list determines the order of the filter. The coefficients are arranged from low to high order.


Remove any DC offset from 'sig'nal


Half-band filter 'sig' and drop every other sample. Please note that the output will tick at half the rate of 'sig'.

Highpass(sig cutoff resonance)

Resonant highpass filter. Attenuate frequencies below 'cutoff'. From

Integrate(sig feedback)

Integrate incoming 'sig'nal. For lossless integration, use 'feedback' of 1. Smaller feedback coefficients will produce a leaky integrator.

Lowpass(sig cutoff resonance)

Resonant lowpass filter. Attenuate frequencies above 'cutoff'. From

Lpf6(sig cutoff)

Filter 'sig'nal with a simple one-pole 6dB/octave lowpass slope. The cutoff is specified in Hertz.

Pole(sig pole)

First-order filter with a single `pole`

Pole-Zero(sig pole zero)

First-order filter with one `pole` and one `zero`.

Polyphase(sig a b)

Send 'sig'nal through two allpass filter cascades with coefficient lists given by 'a' and 'b'.

Resonator(sig freq bw)

Filters 'sig'nal to produce a resonant peak at 'freq'uency, with a bandwidth of 'bw' in Hertz.

SVF(sig cutoff resonance)

Double-sampled stable state-variable filter. Filter operates at the 'cutoff' frequency and 'resonance' is in range [0,1]. from OUTPUTS: (notch lowpass highpass bandpass peaking)

Tone(sig cutoff)

Filter 'sig'nal with a simple one-pole 6dB/octave lowpass slope. The cutoff range is [0,1] for closed or fully open.


Double-samples 'sig' by inserting zeroes and halfband-filtering. Please note that the output will tick at twice the rate of 'sig'.

Zero(sig zero)

First-order filter with a single `zero`


Utilities to compose functions and adjust their behavior


Composes the functions in 'fns...' in a chain. The initial argument is passed to the last function in the list, and its return value is passed as the argument to the second-last function. Similiar transformation is performed by each function on the list, from back to front.


Composes a function that passes its argument to all functions in `fn-list`, returning the results in a list.


Composes the functions in `fns...` in a chain. The initial argument is transformed by each successive function and used as the argument to the next function, in sequence.


Given a list `xs...`, returns a function that, given an argument `i`, returns the `i`:th element in `xs...`.


Given a list `xs...`, returns a function that, given an argument `i`, returns the `i`:th element in `xs...`. The list is extended in an infinite cycle, both beyond the count of the original elements and also below index 0.


Given a list of `xs..., returns a function that cycles through them during each interval between integers with linear interpolation. Suitable for waveshaping a phasor.


Given a list of `xs..., returns a function that cycles through them during each interval between integers with polynomial Hermite interpolation. Suitable for waveshaping a phasor.


Wraps `fn` in Hermite interpolation: returns a function that, when called with argument `x`, calls `fn` with four sample points ranging from `x - #1` to `x + #2`, and interpolates between the values at `x` and `x + #1` according to the fraction of `x`. The additional sample points are used to produce a smoother curve.


Wraps `fn` in linear interpolation: returns a function that, when called with argument `x`, calls `fn(x)` and `fn(x + #1)`, interpolating linearly between them, weighted by the fraction of `x`. This can produce a linear breakpoint function from a discrete-valued, 'stair-case' `fn`.


Elementary signal generator system


Converts 'freq'uency in herts to Cycles-per-Sample according to the firing rate of 'Gen:Signal'. The output is also resampled according to 'Gen:Signal'.

Faster(factor fn args...)

Function 'fn' is evaluated in a context where all the signal sources in the Gen package update at a rate that is faster by 'factor' in comparison to the current one.


Outputs the 'sampling-interval' of the Generators in seconds


Generate a white noise sound from a seed value that should be close to but not exactly 0.5.

Osc(shape-fn freq)

Produces a signal by waveshaping the output of a phasor at 'frequency' by 'shape-fn', such as in Osc(440 Shape:Triangle). The wave-shaped output from the range [0,1] is rescaled to the bipolar range of [-1,1].

Osc(shape-fn freq maximum)

Produces a signal by waveshaping the output of a phasor at 'frequency' by 'shape-fn', such as in Osc(440 Shape:Triangle). The output is scaled to the unipolar range of [0, maximum]

Osc(shape-fn freq minimum maximum)

Produces a signal by waveshaping the output of a phasor at 'frequency' by 'shape-fn', such as in Osc(440 Shape:Triangle). The output is scaled to the range of [minimum, maximum]

Oversample(num-stages fn args...)

Within function 'fn', double the rate of 'Gen:Signal' 'num-stages' times. Each stage output is equipped with a halfband filter and the signal rate is decimated by 2. As a result, any 'Gen:Signal' clock at the output will correspond to the normal rate.


Generates a periodic ramp signal in the range [0,1]. The period of the ramp is 'freq' Hz, sampled at the clock generated by 'Gen:Signal'.

Pulse(freq width)

Produces a bipolar naive pulse waveform with 'width' in the range of [0,1].

Pulse(freq width offset)

Produces a bipolar naive pulse waveform with 'width' in the range of [0,1], with a phase offset of [0,1] in proportion to the waveform period.

Ramp(trig rate)

Produces a signal that starts from zero and changes linearly, at `rate` per second. When `trig` signal has an upward edge, the ramp is reset to zero.


Generate random deviation in range [0,1] at the audio rate.

Random(seed deviation)

Generate random deviation in range [-deviation,deviation] at the audio rate.

Random(seed low-bound high-bound)

Generate random deviation in range [low-bound, high-bound] at the audio rate.


Outputs the 'sampling-rate' of the Generators


Produces a bipolar naive sawtooth waveform with upward edges

Saw(freq offset)

Produces a bipolar naive sawtooth waveform with upward edges and a phase offset of [0,1] in proportion to the waveform period.


Produces a bipolar naive sawtooth waveform with downward edges

Saw-(freq offset)

Produces a bipolar naive sawtooth waveform with downward edges and a phase offset of [0,1] in proportion to the waveform period.


Makes a waveshaper for a naive rectangular pulse with width ranging from 0 to 1.


Converts a phasor output to a naive unipolar sawtooth wave with upward edges.


Converts a phasor output to a naive unipolar sawtooth wave with downward edges


Converts a phasor output to a naive unipolar triangular wave


Acts as a signal clock generator for all the generators. By default, 'sig' is resampled to the audio clock. You can use 'With-Binding' to override the signal clock. For example, `With-Binding(":Gen:Signal" Control:Signal { Gen:Sin(440) })` generates a control rate sinusoidal oscillator


Produces a polynomial sinusoid waveform.

Sin(freq offset)

Produces a polynomial sinusoid waveform with a phase 'offset' against a cosine wave, measured in periods of the waveform.


Audio rate sinusoid generater based on a digital waveguide. It is very pure and CPU-efficient, but not for audio-rate modulation such as FM.

Slower(factor fn args...)

Function 'fn' is evaluated in a context where all the signal sources in the Gen package update at a rate that is slower by 'factor' in comparison to the current one.


Produces a bipolar naive triangular waveform

Tri(freq offset)

Produces a bipolar naive triangular waveform with a phase offset of [0,1] in proportion to the waveform period.


Mathematical functions, for hyperbolic transcendentals and polynomials.

Binomial-Coef(n k:Constant!)

computes binomial coefficient for the pair `(n k)`

Clamp(x low-bound high-bound)

Clamp the values of 'x' so that it will not go below 'low-bound' or above 'high-bound'

Copy-Sign(value sign)

changes the sign of 'value' to match 'sign'


Computes the hyperbolic cosine of 'x'


Computes the hyperbolic cotangent of 'x'


Computes the hyperbolic cosecant of 'x'


computes the factorial of 'n'

Hermite-Interpolation(h x-1 x0 x1 x2)

Hermite interpolation between 'x0' and 'x1' as 'h' goes from 0 to 1, with further control points 'x-1' and 'x2' referring to past and future points.

Horner-Scheme(x coefficients)

Evaluates a polynomial described by the set of 'coefficients' that correspond to powers of 'x' in ascending order. The evaluation is carried out according to the Horner scheme.

Linear-Interpolation(h x0 x1)

Interpolate linearly between x0 an x1 as h ranges from 0 to 1.

Mix(mix a b)

Weighted average of 'a' and 'b' according to ratio, so that 0 corresponds to fully 'a', 1 to 'b' and 0.5 to an equal mix.


Computes the hyperbolic secant of 'x'


Computes the hyperbolic sine of 'x'


Computes the tanget of 'x'


Computes the hyperbolic tangent of 'x'


Broadcast-To(vector scalar)

Result is structurally similar to 'vector', but all elements are 'scalar'.

Concat(a b...)

Concatenates elements in vectors, tuples or scalars into a vector.


Combine 'elements...' into a vector


Separate elements in vector 'v'

Horizontal(fn v)

Apply binary operator 'fn' horizontally to reduce the vector to a single element. For example, to add all vector elements, use `Horizontal(Add vector)`


Produces an index vector with 'count' elements, starting from 0 and increasing by one.

Indices(count start)

Producs an index vector with 'count' elements, starting from 'start' and increasing by one.

Indices(count start step)

Produces an index vector with 'count' elements, starting from 'start' and increasing by 'step'.


Produces a vector with 'count' elements, each set to 1.

Repeat(count value)

Produces a vector with 'count' elements, each set to 'value'.


Splits `vector` into a tuple of two smaller vectors half the width. If the original width is odd, the first vector will be smaller.


If `elements...` is a tuple, turn it into a vector. Otherwise return as-is.


Number of elements in vector 'v'